Role of Parents
We believe that all parents/carers have an important role to play in the education of their child. Therefore, we try our best to ensure that parents/carers are made to feel welcome and valued in their dealings with all members of staff. We recognise the role that you have played in shaping the development of your child, and the value in your partnership with their education going forward. We work closely with families at all times and believe that positive relationships between school and home are vital in children’s learning and development.
We do this through:
- Providing opportunities for parents/carers to talk about their child and their child’s progress with the Nursery staff
- Special Stay and Play sessions throughout the year, these sessions give a great opportunity to come and join your child and teacher in their classroom and see what they are doing at school.
- A home visit when your child will be joining us, giving you the chance to get to know us, and us you
- Encouraging parents and carers to talk to staff if there are any concerns. If needed a meeting will be set up between the staff and parent/carer so that any issues can be resolved quickly. There is a “parents evening” meeting in the Autumn and Spring term at which the teacher and the parent discuss the child’s progress in private. Parents receive a report on their child’s attainment and progress at the end of each school year
- Having flexible admission arrangements that enable children and parents/carers to become secure, and by allowing time to discuss each child’s circumstances
- Arranging a range of activities throughout the year that encourage collaboration between child, school and parents/carers
- Offering a range of activities that support the involvement of parents. There is regular communication with home through the child’s Learning journey. This is provided via an app called Showbie. We use Showbie to communicate with parents and use this platform to share children’s work, achievements and next steps. We value parent contributions and ideas through Showbie and love to see what the children have been doing at home.
Providing a weekly Newsletter, informing parent/carers of the topics and areas of the curriculum covered that week and also any relevant information that may help the parent/carer of the child
Staff develop strong links with parents; as a result, parents are closely involved with their children’s learning