Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance and punctuality are essential if you are to succeed at the Academy, in fact research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and academic progress and achievement.
All students must make every effort to attend the Academy every day. However we accept that some students may become ill or have other genuine reasons for absence. Therefore we aim to ensure that no students’ attendance falls below 98%. If you are absent the Academy must be notified on the first day. A written explanation will need to be handed in when the student returns.
Please note that the Academy will not authorise holidays taken during term times. Where a parent/carer removes their child during term-time without authorisation they may be liable for a penalty notice or prosecution in the magistrates’ court.
We believe that it is important that our students are prepared for the start of each day and for each lesson by ensuring they arrive on time. All students are expected to arrive to the Academy by 8.50, ready to start their first lesson.
The attendance horn is rung by our helpful pupils each day for each class that has achieved 100% attendance.
Outstanding attendance is rewarded every week with a variety of prizes for individual pupils and classes.
We also have termly attendance rewards
Find out more about our Attendance procedures in our Attendance Policy