
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Sun Protection

The Academy wishes pupils to enjoy the sun safely. The Academy also has a duty of care to ensure that sun protection is provided whilst pupils are on school premises during school hours or undertaking school activities.

Protective clothing

  • When pupils are outside they will be required to wear sunhats (provided by parents/carers with their name written inside).
  • Sun hats should preferably be wide-brimmed/legionnaire type to cover face, ears and neck.

Wearing of sunscreen

  • Parents/carers are encouraged to apply a high factor protection (minimum 15) sun cream before their child comes to school. (The school will not provide spare sunscreen due to different skin types and potential allergy issues). If necessary, especially in early years, staff will supervise the application of suncream. 
  • Authorised staff will supervise the application of personal sun cream to the pupils’ exposed skin that cannot be protected by clothing, before lunchtime break or before participating in any outdoor activities. 
  • Parents/carers must notify the school in writing if they do not wish teachers to assist with sunscreen application.